Parution : 10/11/2020
Langue : Anglais
Pages : 235
Prix : 22.32 €
EAN : 978-2931117033
Format : 170 x 240 mm
This book is intended for all prospective or experienced sophrologists, who wish to perfect the « hidden side » of their activity: the inter-sessional period, this working time, where the practitioner designs and adapts his protocol to the progress of the sophronized person. It will allow them to optimize their practice by:• Adjusting their protocols as well as possible with the abilities or the objectives of the sophronized person;• Creating an effective therapeutic alliance with the latter;• Consolidating their client’s motivation by a significant change in his or her condition.The 20 practical cases presented are divided into four main types: the improvement of daily life; Mental preparation; accompaniment of medical treatment; pathological behaviours.